VLS improves Lightning node security by protecting keys separately. And did we mention it's free and open source.
VLS separates your Lightning private keys and security rule validation from your Lightning node, into a discrete signing device. This improves LN security for users by reducing the attack surface.
As the Lightning network implementations of Taproot, Musig2 and FROST mature in the coming months, VLS will be a necessity in creating seamless multi-sig Lightning network channels.
High security through small attack surface. Refined policy controls.
Rust enables deployment on microcontroller, HSM, server, browser and mobile.
Control custody at the signer, instead of at the node. Separation of duties.
VLS is an open-source project, not a company. We rely on you, our fans, to use our software, contribute to it, and spread the word. Join us in improving Lightning network security:
We'd like to thank the below contributors for their contributions to the project. 🙏
We are also looking for more contributors! If you're interested in contributing, let us see your code. Submit a PR for a starter issue or, if you're feeling bold, a larger project.